Apply For Georgia TANF

This page provides the Georgia TANF eligibility requirements. Applicants must meet both state and federal guidelines for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Individuals who apply for TANF must meet the monetary and non-monetary state guidelines, complete work-related activities, provide paternity information about the children in the household and report as required by the state.

Georgia residents who qualify for welfare are required to furnish information such as citizenship, income, resources, and age. Only household members who are eligible can receive Georgia welfare benefits. Read on for more information about applying for TANF. If you have additional questions or issues about this program, then contact TANF Georgia.

Georgia TANF Eligibility Requirements

In order to be determined eligible to receive TANF benefits, the following criteria must be met by the members of the assistance unit (family):

A child must be less than 18 years of age (19 years if s/he is a full-time student).

Application for other benefits:
A TANF applicant/recipient must apply for and accept other benefits (Unemployment Compensation, Workman's Compensation, Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI), Child Support, etc) for which s/he may be eligible.

A recipient must be a citizen of the U.S. or a lawful resident alien.

A child must be deprived due to:

In a two parent family in which both parents are able-bodied, deprivation is established if one parent has a "recent connection to the workforce."

All assistance unit members must have or apply for a Social Security number.

School Attendance:
All children ages 6 through 17 who have not graduated from high school or who have not received a certificate of high school equivalency must attend school and have satisfactory attendance.

All preschool children must be immunized.

An assistance unit's countable, net income must be below certain established limits that are adjusted for the number of persons in the AU. A family must meet the financial criteria to receive TANF. For example, a family of three (mother and two children) must have a gross income below $784 a month and countable assets of less than $1,000.

Lifetime Limits:
Receipt of cash assistance is limited to 48 months in a lifetime. The limit may be extended if it is determined that an extension is justified due to certain hardships, including domestic violence and physical or mental incapacity.

The AU must cooperate in the establishment of paternity. The paternity of a child must be established at application and whenever a child is added to an active case.

Work Requirement:
All adult recipients have a work requirement, and are required to participate in work activities and training for at least 30 hours weekly. These work activities help recipients gain the experience needed to find a job and become self-sufficient.

Cooperation with Office of Child Support Services is a requirement for receiving TANF benefits. Note: A family receiving TANF for ten months might not receive increased cash assistance for the birth of additional children.

How to Apply for TANF Georgia

To apply for TANF, contact the county Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS) office in the county where you live. Find a County DFCS Office.

Georgia Employment Search

Part of the requirement, while on the TANF program, is finding a job to help sustain your financial needs. Georgia provides an online job site for you to search for employment. You can view the job site by clicking here.

Apply Online For Georgia TANF

If you have questions about applying for TANF benefits, or you want to see if you can apply for TANF Georgia online, then visit the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families website here.