Apply For Kentucky TANF
This page provides the Kentucky TANF eligibility requirements. Applicants must meet both state and federal guidelines for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. Individuals who apply for TANF must meet the monetary and non-monetary state guidelines, complete work-related activities, provide paternity information about the children in the household and report as required by the state.
Kentucky residents who qualify for welfare are required to furnish information such as citizenship, income, resources, and age. Only household members who are eligible can receive Kentucky welfare benefits. Read on for more information about applying for TANF. If you have additional questions or issues about this program, then contact TANF Kentucky.
The Kentucky TANF welfare program strictly follows mandated rules for all recipients of the cash benefit. These requirements include but are not limited to being U.S. citizens, destitute financial resources, felony free, low value on automobiles, and provable low income. Also people with disabilities and the elderly are possibly eligible for the Kentucky TANF benefits. There is also a lifetime limitation which limits the amount of years that a recipient can be a part of this welfare program. Exceptions to the lifetime limitation would be families who have minors, the disabled, and elderly.
Steps to Apply for Kentucky TANF
All applicants for the Kentucky TANF program will be required to complete a paper application form or the online application. Generally, the online application is the choice of most people because it enables a faster processing time because the data is already submitted in computer format. Paper applications must all be completed legibly in order for a CHFS representative to process the information. All applicants will need to provide documentation and information such as social security, birth certificates, copies of bills, copies of pay stubs, and a copy of your bank statement.
All questions on the Kentucky TANF application must be answered truthfully. Falsification of any information in attempt to raise the amount of TANF benefits is fraudulent and is a prosecutable crime. All of the answers regarding the amount of people in the home, financial resources, and income levels must be accurate. Be sure to re-check all of the answers on the Kentucky TANF application.
TANF Interview
When the application form is complete, it will be submitted to the CHFS office. The agents will process the application and submit all the data into their computer. If the applicant's information falls into the specification to be allowed to receive TANF, the applicant will be assigned an interview time. At this interview, the CHFS agent will review the application again, and ask the applicant to bring in forms to prove their identity and income levels. They may need a bit more information on certain situations in the applicant's life. Once the interview is complete and the CHFS agent determines that the applicant is entitled to the Kentucky TANF welfare program, they will approve the applicant to receive the benefits.
Upon approval, the recipient will receive an EBT benefit card in the mail. This "electronics benefit transaction" card will work exactly like a debit card where it can be used to withdraw cash, make debit purchases, and pay bills. The EBT card will automatically be refilled with cash every month at a given date. Please remember that the Kentucky CHFS agent will have no power to give any more TANF cash benefits than the rules and regulations allow.
Kentucky Employment Search
Part of the requirement, while on the TANF program, is finding a job to help sustain your financial needs. Kentucky provides an online job site for you to search for employment. You can view the job site by clicking here.
Apply Online For Kentucky TANF
If you have questions about applying for TANF benefits, or you want to see if you can apply for TANF Georgia online, then visit the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families website here.