TANF Offices in Colorado
Find a welfare office in Colorado. If you live in this state and are looking to apply for Colorado TANF benefits, then select your city below to find a list of welfare offices located in that city. A TANF office can also help you with any questions or issues with the application process, or if you need to, request a copy of the TANF application form.
We provide the welfare office hours, phone number and address for each location listed. We recommend you call the Colorado welfare office before visiting them to verify they are open and if you are turning in your TANF application, ask the staff what information you need to bring with you.
Make sure you bring everything they ask for, as it can speed up the TANF application process. If you need help getting the documents they need, you can ask them for help and they may be able to assist you.
Colorado TANF eligibility
If you want to know if you are eligible for CO TANF benefits, then you can contact your local welfare office and see what they have available to help you determine if you qualify. In some states, they provide an online pre-screening tool to see if you are eligible for TANF Colorado.
However, the best way to know for sure is to submit your application and apply for Colorado TANF. If you don't want to go down to your local welfare office in Colorado, then you could call them and ask they mail you a copy of the application, and then you can mail or fax it back to them. To find out more about applying, view the how to apply for Colorado TANF benefits page.
Interview for TANF benefits
More than likely you will be required to do an interview with a staff member at your local Colorado TANF office. They may need to verify the information on your application and the documents you submitted along with your application.
If you can't meet them face to face, they may be able to do the interview over the phone. To find out the best way to apply for TANF benefits in Colorado, select a city below and find your local welfare office and contact them for further assistance.